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Here is the form, in Italian, with an English translation. Be sure to send the Italian version. Good luck!

OGGETTO: Autorizzazione.
Ten. Col. Fasullo
Via Mattia Battistini, 113, 7 piano
00167 Roma, RM


Io sottoscritto/a ......…………......................................................…............. residente a .............................................. provincia di via ........................................................... e nato/a a ………………............... in provincia di / stato estero ......................... il……...............………….…….. Documento di identità .............................................................................. n. .............................................................. rilasciato da................................................................................ in data ......................................... grado di parentela……............................................................ del signor .............................................................nato a……….......................... il .................................... e deceduto il ...................................... a ..............................., già militare del ............................................... ex prigioniero di guerra, internato negli Stati Uniti d’America durante l’ultimo conflitto mondiale 1940 -1945, consapevole delle eventuali conseguenze nel caso di dichiarazioni mendaci.
Vi chiedo di spedirmi tutti prigioniero di guerra documenti di questa persona.
Vi ringrazio in anticipo per il vostro gentilezza e premura.

In English (send the Italian version):
Letter of Authorization
I, ______________________________________________, the undersigned, living in _______________________________ at (street address), born in _________________________________ on ___________________, and fully aware of the consequences the in case of a fake declaration, declare that I am the grandson of ________________________________, born in _______________________________ on ______________________, and deceased on _________________________________ in ____________________________________, in the military from ____________________________________________, and asks the addressee to provide copies of the following documents concerning the above ______________________________________:
POW personnel file

______________________ [signature]



GenTracer POW Kathy Kirkpatrick

© Kathy Kirkpatrick 2003-2008